I have returned from the great and beautiful country of Italy! Hooray! Even though I hate flying and sitting on a bus isn't my favorite activity, these I gladly exchange for such a once in a life time trip. Cause if and when I make it back, I'm sure this trip will be unlike any other. For one, we had the opportunity to sing in some
Amazing places-
San Marco's, St Francis' Basilica, the coliseum in Verona- just to name a few. And we had a great group of people with us. Concert singers, the odd SOS (Oh, Babs...), and, of course,
Jairy C. Hunter. Because you can't celebrate International Jairy C. Hunter Day without him. I shall now entertain you with a picture or two, but for more "eye candy", hop over to my Facebook page. And these are just a few of the 650+...
No one wants to see that many pictures except my mom.
So then, a few favorites.

View from the plane as we flew over London.
View from the window not facing a pine tree.
The lovely city of Siena.
You have shamed the Church. You and your naked shoulders.
Lots of picturesque little alleys like this one.
Pretty courtyards.
And now due to the slow loading of pictures by my computer and Blogger... I'm going to bed. For more photo entertainment, check FB.
Goodnight, World.