Friday, December 31, 2010


Last day of 2010. Really? Has a whole decade gone by already? And I spent that whole decade with the same home address. Wow.

January: January is my birthday month, and this year I turned 22. Go me! Fun times with friends, mom came to visit me at school like she usually does. My birthdays are typically pretty small since it's only three weeks after Christmas.What did I even do for my birthday? Oh well. It happened.
I also was a leader, probably for the last time, of Disciple Now for FBC. Great group of senior girls. =)
AND I got my camera. Oh, was that a happy day. =)

February: Uh... Does anything ever happen in February? Oh! Wait! It snowed! The most snow I'd ever really seen on the ground up to this point in time. Very fun, very pretty.

March: Took engagement pictures for the now Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dockery, lost a kite on the beach, built a few sandcastles.  Also this month I interviewed for my internship in both Atl and Montgomery Co. Also rode a motorcycle and threw a bottle into the ocean.

April: Visited the Zoo on Good Friday, built a few more sandcastles, finally saw the lighthouse on Folly Beach. Received the good news that I was, in fact, accepted as the intern in VA! Yay! Second most exciting day of the school year. Second to the day my camera came in. Of course. My official last Lyric Theater show ever with CSU was performed, the two American Operas. First time I got to work all the lights during a show though! That was fun. Walked around like a T-Rex, photographed a song and put pennies on a railroad track.

May: Watched so many of my friends graduate! Came home for the summer, returned to the Pink Dipper. Yay. (Sarcasm card) My last in-country choir tour with Concert Singers. Sad.

June: Chris graduated High School! Yay! Then I left for Italy for my last (planned) over-seas choir tour. So much fun- probably highlight of the year. =)

July: July brought with it Christie and Harry Potter. You can't go wrong with those two. Christie came to stay with us and went with us to Florida to visit my grandparents. And we went to Universal Studios to visit the brand spankin' new Wizarding World of Harry Potter. This would have been the highlight of the year had it not been for Italy. 

August: This was the first time in... as long as I can remember that I didn't start school in August. Chris went off to CSU and I made my last trip to Charleston until graduation. Sadly... no pics this month.

September: I moved to VA to start my internship! Yay! This is the furthest I've ever been from the ocean in my life. 

October: Not much happened in October... Construction continued on the house, I met my mom in NC for a weekend... And that was pretty much it. 

November: Thanksgiving brought family and friends and a chance to get out and take some pictures again. Kayla and Allen stopped by to see me on their way back to Charleston. Christie, Ashley and I went out to Mountain Lake Inn where they filmed Dirty Dancing. Super cold that day and we had to drive 7 miles up the side of a mountain, but it was worth it in the end. Construction toils on with the house... 

December: December brought a MT meeting in Aiken, the longest time ever to have to go to school before Christmas break, and Christmas. It was so good to come home! I hadn't been home in months. The drive here isn't that fun, but it could be a lot worse, too. And we finally moved into the house! Hooray! Sadly, December pics will have to wait. Genius here left the camera in VA.

So what's to come in 2011? Another year older, the end of my internship, another move, graduation(!), certification, Kayla's wedding, hopefully a job, and who knows what else. Here's to hoping it's every bit as good and even better than 2010. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Today, my dear friend Katie and I actually made a solid decision concerning having dinner together. And it didn't involve Mexican food.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Post-Christmas Update

Oh, it's been awhile since I've posted! Since the last post I have moved, had a meeting which hopefully result in a job, unpacked almost all of my belongings, come home for Christmas, and am now the unwilling owner of a lovely cold.

On my apartment: LOVE having my own space to watch what I want, eat what I want, etc. Even though I'm still eating dinner upstairs... That's ok. Homecooked food... what a burden I carry. Most of my things are unpacked and I'm starting to put things on the walls. Pictures are on the dresser, posters on the living room wall, lights plugged in, books on the shelves. It's a nice little place to have. Pictures to come once I have both internet and my camera in the same location.

On Christmas: Quite a lovely Christmas here at home. I got almost all grown-up gifts. And Beauty and the Beast. Because... come on. It's pretty much the best Disney movie of my childhood. Also received my own sewing machine. Now my creative juices can flow in a whole new way! Picked up some cross stitch sets to work on in the evenings when yarn isn't calling my name. Thinking of learning how to embroider here in the not to far off future. I'm telling you, I was born in the wrong century. I'd make an awesome housewife 60 some-odd years ago.

On Personal Triumph: This time last year, my pants were not fitting and I was having to go up a size. Those up-sized pants are now (literally) falling off, those pants that were too tight are now too big, and I've gone down another size since starting this weight loss thing in May. Slow and steady!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Few New Experiences

My weekend has been an interesting one to say the least. Bit by bit, I'm moving into the new house. I've uncovered- count them- 16 mixing bowls I've managed to collect over the years. I'm getting rid of quite a few... Keeping the two nice plastic bowls that are more like popcorn bowls, the three metal bowls, and the 5 ceramic bowls that are pretty and colorful... eliminating 6. Anyone want a bowl?

So, it snowed this weekend. My first time seeing snow in December! I like snow. It's so pretty and makes everything look all new and clean. But my word, is it cold this week. Tuesday's high is 32. 32! That's freezing! Literally! Ah well. Well, this morning I had to sweep all the snow off my car to go to church. That was a new experience. Also new- snow with no gloves. Not fun. Guess what I'm doing on my time off tomorrow? Yes. Buying gloves. And coffee creamer. 

Two hour delay tomorrow. Yay for a little extra sleep, but sad day- I had some new fun stuffs planned for tomorrow. And now I don't get to use them. I mean, yes, I'll just save them for next week. But still. Arg. 

Today, I thought I was going to be computer-less until Thursday. My computer fell victim to two nasty, nasty viruses. It totally took out my spyware. But thankfully, that dumb stuff they make you download at CSU is still up and working on my computer. Who knew. After like two hours of messing with my computer, here I am. Back in action. Oh, look at that. As I'm sitting here, my spyware is back. Everything seems all right. Woohoo! Let's hope that's a first that remains a single time experience.

This was early afternoon yesterday. It's all nice and white and covered now... but it's dark outside.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Light at the End of the Tunnel

So we're FINALLY starting the moving process! Yay! It's looking like the "official" moving date will be the weekend around Dec. 10... Which is fine with me cause I won't be here! I'll be in Aiken doing a MT proposal. So, all my stuff has to be out of here by the afternoon of the 9th. I've been getting my kitchen put together, my lights work, I have doors, my appliances are all in, I just need the light in the living room installed. And, you know, general cleaning. And having my bed frame put back together. I am wondering, however, how in the world I got all my clothes to fit in those suitcases...

Spent the last two days on my own due to sick kids (my supervisor's) and I've had two really good days! Had one of those "Hey, I could really do this" moments this afternoon. Woah, real life!