So, here we are. College degree. And what do I do? Nothing. Sigh. I find comfort in knowing my friends had similar hardships finding a job after they had their degrees. But still, I don't enjoy siting around doing nothing but watching back episodes of Say Yes to the Dress (wishing I was shopping for my own), planning dinner, working out, and tanning.
Starting the studying process for my Board Exams. Terrified? Yes. BIG *expensive* very important test. Blech.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Because I FINALLY made the disks for K & A's engagement shoot, I will be removing those pics from Facebook. So, here's a few for my own "portfolio", if you will...

So cute. I wish you two the best!
Engagement Photos,
Nikon D40
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Thanks for the Memories
Well, I did it! I have graduated! After four years of school, dozens of choir concerts, hours in practice rooms, many more hours goofing off, and nine months of internship, I made it to graduation. I wish I could have bottled up Saturday and stretched it out for a week! I have missed seeing all of you! And so, we must take a trip down memory lane...
Kelsi! My Blog friend! You've always been such a bright light in my life- never afraid to go farther, do more, and state your mind. I think of you every time I drink Diet Dr Pepper and drive through Asheville. I am so glad we got to experience Italy and Austria together, sing together in choir, and share the stage (even if I was behind the curtain or in the sound booth). You're going to be a great teacher while saving the world, one recycling bin at a time. =)

Christie! You're the reason I had any friends at CSU. You've been the best friend I could hope for. We've shared happy moments, sad moments, magical moments (Harry Potter!), silly moments. We've shared beds, food, couches, clothes, jewelry, shoes, and goodness knows what else. I turn to you when I need advice or just someone to talk to. Thank you for being my friend. I love you!

Kayla, I don't know if I could even begin to talk about our friendship. We've been together since day one, had almost every class together, and became so close people worried when we weren't together. We know each other inside and out and you had better be in my life forever. I am so glad I get to keep you for awhile longer before you and Allen go off and leave me! I cannot wait for your wedding this summer!

Ashley, the only person I really worried about one day ninja attacking me in my sleep. I can't believe it took doing a show together to get to know you. What did I even do in my life before we were friends? I don't know.

Ah, Sasquatch. My (not so little) brother. I know you're gonna be something great. I bequeath CSU to you. Take good care of it.

Jo! What would I have done without my roommate?! You put up with my antics for three years! We've laughed, we've shared music and movies, I made you watch TV shows and movies you hated. You laughed at me when I fell down... multiple times. Life isn't the same without you in it!

Toya. I don't even know what to say. Other than "I'm mad at that". =)

Anna! Without you, geology would have been awful. And I would have had no one to speculate over professor's possibly pregnancies or the football player's silliness!

Ryan, every time I see you, I see a crow on rollerskates. Even though I didn't get to see you nearly enough during school, I loved every moment we had together. You and Elizabeth have so much in store for your lives!

Vinnie! There is never a dull moment when you're around. You've been a light in my life with your smiling face and tendency to burst into song and dance at the drop of a hat. I am so glad we are friends and life had better bring us back together. I believe I owe you a dance.
Two people managed to escape me and the camera Saturday- Mac and Robert. Somehow it's fitting that I didn't get pictures with either of you.
Mac, it's like you're always one step ahead and the rest of us are trying to keep up. Whether it's acting, teaching, directing, or doing nothing or any consequence, you do it to the best of your ability. Without you, I would have no pictures from Austria! (Does your mom still want pictures from Italy?) Thanks for thinking I'm funny, at least most of the time, and for having such a big dream for the future.
Robert, I cannot believe you're married and that I missed it. I have always appreciated and admired your ability to be completely true to yourself and what you really believe in. Without you, there never would have been an awkward turtle in my life. And that would be tragic.
Erica, I can't believe you missed my graduation. I was at yours! I'm kidding. (Well, I was at your graduation, but you now what I mean...) You've been a great friend and a great confidant. One day, we'll write that book with such topics as "The Freshman Curse", "The Freshman Curse, In Reverse", and "Don't be a Skank".
I can still remember those first few weeks of school- sitting outside Java City with the girls from Freshman Seminar talking about who knows what, doing that first Lyric Theater show just to get out of my room- little did I know LT would become such a part of my life!, wearing a giant bow on my butt in said first show. The years flew by! I can't believe it's done. So long, CSU. Thanks for the memories. =)
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Movin' On Up
Today was my last day as an intern! I am (almost) officially ready to practice Music Therapy. As soon as I take -and pass- my board exams. Graduation is Saturday and then my undergrad career is officially over. How strange. I can remember that first week of my internship- feeling overwhelmed, scared, intimidated, excited. Much like that first week of school way back when. My, how life has changed.
In celebration, I've decided to actually write a real blog post. One with details and everything. I wish I had pics... but I just don't. Sorry world.
The past week has been filled with goodbyes. I have had to say goodbye to the 35 kids I work with! That's a lot of goodbyes! For the most part, they went smoothly, no tears or tantrums. The kids were ok with it, too. I did have one student refuse to sing goodbye, one wrap himself around my legs, one "Love You" from a mostly non-language user, lots of hugs, and even some "I'll miss you"s. I'm not typically one to get super emotional, especially in front of people I'm not super close to, but I will say I've teared up in the car a few times after those sessions. I wasn't quite prepared for having some of those kids mean as much to me as they do now. But when you see students make progress- use language, grow skills, laugh, sing, play... It's hard to separate yourself. These students, and I hope many, many more, are part of who I am. They have changed me and molded me in ways unimaginable. I can't imagine having done my internship anywhere else.
Now I'm (sort of) in the process of packing up to return home. I can't say I'll really miss living in a college town, but I will miss those people I got to know and count as friends here. I was an outsider who was invited into a small part of Virginia Tech for a short while. And even if I don't have any idea what the point of the game of Corn Hole is, I'm glad to say that I have friends here and will count it among the many places I call home.
This past nine months, I have discovered I can live without Diet Coke. And eating out. Which very much helped in the almost 40 pounds I've dropped in the past year. Now for those last 12 pounds to make 50 and to KEEP IT OFF. Wish me luck. I don't want to go back to where I was. Ever. Unless I'm about to birth a child.
Still single. Shocking, I know. But I have faith. That guy is out there somewhere. I just don't know where yet. If anyone out there has any idea, please clue me in.
We're finally settled in the new house. The grass is growing and the driveway is poured. My car is parked behind the house in it's own spot. Obviously, it's time for me to move on.
Now I have to find a job! Eek!
Today was my last day as an intern! I am (almost) officially ready to practice Music Therapy. As soon as I take -and pass- my board exams. Graduation is Saturday and then my undergrad career is officially over. How strange. I can remember that first week of my internship- feeling overwhelmed, scared, intimidated, excited. Much like that first week of school way back when. My, how life has changed.
In celebration, I've decided to actually write a real blog post. One with details and everything. I wish I had pics... but I just don't. Sorry world.
The past week has been filled with goodbyes. I have had to say goodbye to the 35 kids I work with! That's a lot of goodbyes! For the most part, they went smoothly, no tears or tantrums. The kids were ok with it, too. I did have one student refuse to sing goodbye, one wrap himself around my legs, one "Love You" from a mostly non-language user, lots of hugs, and even some "I'll miss you"s. I'm not typically one to get super emotional, especially in front of people I'm not super close to, but I will say I've teared up in the car a few times after those sessions. I wasn't quite prepared for having some of those kids mean as much to me as they do now. But when you see students make progress- use language, grow skills, laugh, sing, play... It's hard to separate yourself. These students, and I hope many, many more, are part of who I am. They have changed me and molded me in ways unimaginable. I can't imagine having done my internship anywhere else.
Now I'm (sort of) in the process of packing up to return home. I can't say I'll really miss living in a college town, but I will miss those people I got to know and count as friends here. I was an outsider who was invited into a small part of Virginia Tech for a short while. And even if I don't have any idea what the point of the game of Corn Hole is, I'm glad to say that I have friends here and will count it among the many places I call home.
This past nine months, I have discovered I can live without Diet Coke. And eating out. Which very much helped in the almost 40 pounds I've dropped in the past year. Now for those last 12 pounds to make 50 and to KEEP IT OFF. Wish me luck. I don't want to go back to where I was. Ever. Unless I'm about to birth a child.
Still single. Shocking, I know. But I have faith. That guy is out there somewhere. I just don't know where yet. If anyone out there has any idea, please clue me in.
We're finally settled in the new house. The grass is growing and the driveway is poured. My car is parked behind the house in it's own spot. Obviously, it's time for me to move on.
Now I have to find a job! Eek!
Music Therapy,
Weight Loss
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