Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Sing a song about Valentines and pirates."

Today's title is brought to you by one of my Music Therapy students. I sang him "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything". It was the first thing that came to mind. At least I met half the criteria. =)

Today is Valentines Day. And once again, I'm single.

But this is not a "woe is me, pity me, the single girl, on Valentines Day because no one loves me, blahblahblah."

Actually, this has been one year where Valentines Singleness hasn't bothered me at all. Call it getting older and wiser, but whatever. Actually, I think this year I can credit some very special people to my lack of self pity.

I spent this weekend in my favorite place on earth, Charleston, with my favorite people. The same people who made my birthday so memorable. Saturday I actually spent in a meeting and missed the first part of what ended up being a pretty fantastic day. I'm pretty sure had I been there for the whole day, by the time I did join up with everyone, I would have been so overwhelmed I would have cried. But that's not the point. While I was in said meeting, the guys had set up a scavenger hunt all over downtown with clues and candy for each of us girls. I was supposed to have one as well, but darn you meeting for robbing me of that. I came in when they were on the last clue and jumping in the car and then followed them to one of the guy's houses. After standing around talking for a few minutes, we're informed the day isn't over and to come inside. Where the other of our guys are inside making dinner and have set the table and are being completely amazing in general.

I know candy and dinner isn't exactly rocket science. But I wish there were more guys like these five in the world. They will do anything and go totally out of their way to do something for someone else. In a world where girls feel ignored and are made to feel like they have to compromise everything about themselves, here are five guys who did this just because they wanted to. They made six girls feel special and appreciated.

So, to these guys, thank you. Thank for you being who you are. For being above and beyond. Don't let that ever, ever change.

I don't know what the future holds. But I will count myself lucky if I am blessed enough to have a man in my life who is half the man these guys are.