Thursday, August 19, 2010

Life After College

Tomorrow is a rather big day. Tomorrow we move my little brother into his dorm room for his freshman year of college. Woah. Where did time go? Not so much "I can't believe Chris is old enough to go to college" but "Wait a minute- I'm old enough to have a brother in college!" I can still remember MY first move in, my first roommates, moving down the hall two weeks later, my first musical, meeting some of my very best friends. 

My very first class was Sight Singing and Ear Training. It was awful. It didn't really get better as time went on. Such is life. I passed all four semesters and that's what counts.

I joined the cast of Showboat to escape the confines of my room and my awful roommates. That started my Musical Theater career; it was the first and last time I would perform on stage. It was, however, my jumpstart into my most exciting career as Stage Manager. Woot.

Showboat also brought some interesting people into my life. And aren't I glad I have them. =)

After Christmas, school settled into a fairly easy routine. Class. Eat. Goof off. Repeat.

Man, has life changed since that year. I have since seen the inside of a cat. Be thankful there are no pictures. Gross.

I never thought I'd say it, but I'm really going to miss school this year. While I still have no diploma, and I'm technically still a student, no class for me! Instead, I have to move to the wilds of the mountains to do my internship. No classes, no caf, few familiar faces...  Scary. =/

So, here's to the start of the next chapter of my life: Life After College
But first, a few parting thoughts to my dear Alma Mater...

To the "Living with Alligators" poster in Russell West: Thank you for the constant reminder not to pet alligators. 
To Jimmy, the Caf Guy: Thank you for not making Philly Cheese Stakes everyday. I'd weight 1000 lbs.
To the weird looking Duck in the reflection pond: Just how long HAVE you been living there?
To my crazy Korean piano teacher: Let's face it- I'm never going to use those Chopin pieces in Music Therapy. My piano skills with classical music are not therapeutic in any way.
To the Security Guards: Don't quit your day jobs. Unless you're on the day staff. Then you may consider quitting.
To the Creepy Janitor with the Gerry Curl: Ew.
To Those People Who Say We Don't Have a Flooding Problem: Try visiting on a rainy day.

And to all my friends: Thanks for making my life all it is today. I couldn't have done it without you. 

1 comment:

  1. I love you & I'm so glad I met you that fateful day of showboat rehearsal...My life has never been the same.
    You have such a gift with words...especially when speaking to inanimate objects :)or creepy janitors...
    I miss you so very much <3
