Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Stuff My Dad Does

You may or may not have met my father. He's an interesting character. He does many things, many of which I don't understand and most of which drive me crazy. To keep from lashing out in frustration, I shall simply share with you a glimpse into my everyday life.

So, without further ado, the list of Things My Dad Does (which I don't understand)

1. Short shorts. O.o
2. Staring at nothing for hours on end.
3. Sitting next to the answering machine with that annoying little beep telling you there's a message and letting it beep instead of just pushing play.
4. Muting commercials. During every. single. commercial. break.
5. Fox News. All. the. time. Even in the morning! Who does that?!
6. Always coming in to the house and feeling the need to say my name at a really high pitch. It grates my nerves.
7. Eating one spoonful of whatever I made for dinner. I'm not Burger King, you cannot have it your way. 
8. Suddenly deciding foods you have always eaten and enjoyed are now unacceptable to be eaten. Don't care. Eat something else.
9. Insisting on taking out the trash before I come home on Wednesday. This would be fine if he checked the trash can in my bathroom. But no. I have to take out my trash, in the dark at 9:00 every week. 
10. You really wanted another mini van? Really? I'm glad you don't like the way new ones look. That's embarrassing.
11. Now that you're not coming home early on Thursday, you get home the same time the rest of us do. We still manage to make a real meal for dinner. Why is it that on your night to cook we have leftovers or frozen meals? And, on that note, why do you only eat those things when YOU cook them?!
12. Picking the stupid peanuts out of the stupid peanut butter with a butter knife. Why? Because peanuts aren't peanutty enough.What?
13. "Got any plans this weekend?" Uh, it's Saturday morning. It's a little late to be asking now.
14. The schedule's on the fridge. Don't act surprised when I leave to go somewhere.
15. Getting offended when I won't eat your high calorie, high fat meal. I'm not going to do it. And I've told you that. 
16. Corn and baked beans are not vegetables. They never have been, they never will be.
17. Using the phrases "man food" and "diet food" makes me want to never eat anything you cook. It also makes me want to hit something. 
18. Instead of putting the dishes away, stacking them all over the counter because you have yet to bother to learn where the dishes are.
19. Drinking nothing but knock off Diet Coke. All. Day.
20. Pastel striped shirts that remind me of the circus. I don't know who said those were acceptable to be worn by anyone, but they were wrong.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hitting 50: A Bittersweet Victory

Tomorrow, I am going shopping. This has been a highly anticipated shopping trip for me and is now necessary as the fall weather settles in and winter is peering around the corner. So few of my clothes fit! And why is that, you ask? Well friends, I have reached the 50 pound mark in my Weight Loss Journey. Fifty! That's a kindergartner! When I started this journey back over a year ago, I honestly couldn't see myself where I am now. I was thinking I could maybe lose 15 or even 20 pounds. But here I sit. Fifty pounds lighter, several sizes smaller, much healthier.

I can remember the first time I ever stepped on an elliptical machine. I barely made it 15 minutes. On a level one. Now a quick work out is 3 miles on the elliptical. Today I was under 10 minutes for my first mile- level 5 on hills. I'm not trying to brag- I'm just amazed that what was once impossible is now the norm.

Funny thing about losing fifty pounds... I feel like I am still the same. On the inside, of course, but on the outside, too. My friends comment on how I'm "wasting away" and I never see it. I'm still in "big girl" land. I still hide behind my sense of humor and don't let people get to close. I was looking at pictures the other day, and yes, I do see a huge change in myself. I'm looking forward to the day that my brain registers the reflection in the mirror is really me!

Sadly, this victory of the scale comes on the heels of a great loss. When I was a senior in high school, my English teacher would mention every now and again that she was on Weight Watchers. I can remember her saying she liked it because she could eat half a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts if she wanted... she just might not be able to eat anything else all day! She was open and animated about her journey. I didn't think much about it. At the end of the year, at Senior Breakfast, I remember seeing her in the cafeteria. My friends and I noticed she was thinner. Not dramatically, but enough to comment to her about it.
I saw her maybe a year later and didn't even recognize her until I heard her voice. She had lost over 100 pounds.
Fast forward to May 2010. I had had enough of looking in the mirror and hating what looked back at me. I thought to myself "If it worked for Mrs. Long, it can work for me."
She was my inspiration. She was the reason I am sitting here today, fifty pounds lighter. And I never got to tell her that. 
She passed away this week. An allergic reaction. No one saw it coming.
One day in class, instead of doing work, she had us work on a contest she wanted to enter through WW. It was a short paragraph on why she deserved to win a cruise. She didn't know what to write, so she made us do it. She was just that kind of woman- no shame. Back then, I didn't know what to say. But if it were given to me today, I know what I'd write. She was an inspiration. She made it OK to be who you are at any time- even when that time is 11 o'clock, in your pajamas, buying cheap books from Wal-Mart because you can't sleep without reading first and you ran out of things to read. She wasn't ashamed of who she was, but she wanted to change that reflection in the mirror. And thanks to her, I found the courage, will power, motivation, and confidence to change my reflection, too. 

Enough sad. I know she's up there happy as can be. And probably saying something sarcastic about us all. With the AC turned way down. 

Then... April 2010 with Dr Luiken

Now-ish. I still don't like full length pictures to be taken of me. But I should be getting some from a friend soon-ish.  This was K's wedding in July... I'm down 5lbs since then. =) (Third from the left)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Today, I helped rescue a teeny tiny fawn! I was walking from my car to Kids Choir and looked out the window into the courtyard that faces the main road in downtown, and there in the window was a baby deer. We're talking itty bitty baby deer. I called Public Safety, the custodian who let me in after getting locked out in the courtyard called the head of maintenance, and while PS was on their way, Kevin and I cornered the deer, I picked her up and put her- where else- in the nursery. She was so small, she lost her mother and then couldn't get home. She was confused by the reflection in the windows.
Public Safety arrived, they called a guy to come pick her up and take her to a place that would be able to take care of her and then release her again when she's big enough. Right now, they'll have to bottle feed her. =(

Now, in my family, the real question is... does this count as my first deer?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"Well, you should smile..."

Today, just this evening, I think I've had a revelation. Maybe that should be more of a "reveal-ation" because it's like the obvious has been right in front of me for some time. I shall explain...

This evening, I was at church helping out with the youth band. My main "role" is more or less a vocal coach- helping figure out harmonies, giving a few pointers here and there, nothing huge. This evening, there was a guy there who was filling in on drums who I had been in the youth band with way back in the day. It took me back- back to those days in high school where I was so driven to please my Father, when there was such a movement within the church and the youth group to really worship. Later, I was talking with R and J- the current leader of the youth band and the guy I used to play with- and R mentioned that she liked watching J play because he was so loose and free when playing. She said it made her want to smile to which his response was "Well, you should smile... it's worship."

When was the last time worship really made me smile? And not because the band sounded good or because the song was new and fun, but because worship is just that- bringing Glory to our King? In high school, our band wasn't some great, incredibly gifted group on the verge of getting a record contract. Just the opposite- we messed up, we made stuff up, we goofed off, we were kids. I think now we -I- get so hung up on perfection, on what sounds the best, how tight a harmony might be, that we -I- forget what's really going on. I'm so me focused I can't focus on God. I'm so concerned on what everyone facing me thinks of me, or even what those on stage with me think of me, that I can't worship God because I'm too busy worshiping myself.

Father, forgive me of robbing You of the worship You deserve. You created me to worship You. 

And you know what? Life is exhausting when you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing.

Where do I go from here? I have but one choice. "...Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press onward toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It's such a great feeling when you're doing what you know you're called to do. Today, I had a Music Therapy group with two students at my mom's school. They were two adorable little boys who are 4 and 5 years old- who isn't cute when they're that age? It was such a great experience! I was warned Monday that we might only make it 15 to 20 minutes of sitting and attending, and that's fine with me- new things can be hard to take sometimes and the 4 year old attention span is short enough already- but these guys not only attended for a full 30 minutes, but after I was done I pulled out my Ocean Drum and you would have thought I just pulled the moon from the sky! They sat a "shared" it back and forth for at least another 15 minutes. I say "shared" because the turn taking was not volunteered... Haha. The only thing that could have made the session any better would have been to get paid for it, but we're taking it one step at a time. I have to convince the "Powers that Be" that MT is beneficial and necessary and if that means not getting paid for services for a little while, then so be it. I am quickly gaining support with the Special Ed teachers and support staff, and that's the first step!
I really wish I could share with the world some of the pictures the teacher sent me- so sweet! One picture is just too cute- he could be the poster child for Music Therapy! Alas, I have a Code of Ethics and that little thing called "the law" I have to adhere to. Ah well. Just picture, if you will, a child totally engaged and excited about the music he's creating. =)

Monday, August 15, 2011

What happened to summer?

Today was Mom's first day of school! Where did summer go?! Here's a strange fact- I, of all people, did not go to the pool or the beach at all this summer. Not once. I feel like I need a do-over. I love water related things! It just ended up not working out. Both trips to the ocean ended up not working out because I had just started my job. Money trumps beach, sadly.
BUT! I did get a new car. Yay! The Neon is no more. I am now the proud owner of a 2011 Corolla! I love it.
Job: Eh. It is what it is. I can't really complain. Kids Choir might end up being my undoing, but I'll do what I can.
Music Therapy: Well, right now, no one is paying me for MT. But I'll be doing two groups at Mom's school with both SpecEd classes. Hopefully, this will lead to getting paid to work with these kids! I really would love to see MT in the schools here. I think there's a great need and lots of potential. I just have to prove MT is something worth fighting for! 
Labor Day weekend, I get to drive it up to VA to go claim my belongings. Where am I going to put all that stuff? Who knows. I would love to get my own place, but right now, my options are: find four people to live with so I could afford rent (and no, I don't know for people I would live with in NA) or live in places that are... well, not on my list of places I would consider living. Because as a single white female... well, not a good plan. So, I'm here at home saving for a townhouse. Or until Prince Charming comes in a sweeps me off my feet, whichever comes first. (My vote is for Prince Charming.)
I have lost another 5 lbs, bringing my total to 45 lbs lost. Yay!
Speaking of Prince Charming, he can totally ride in any minute now... 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today, it's official.

I am a board certified Music Therapist.

Hold your applause.

Other than that, life goes on as usual. Work is starting to have a routine. Sometimes I'm super busy, other times I twiddle my thumbs.

My car is barely hanging on... Our days together are numbered. I'm planning on trading it in late summer or early fall. Fingers crossed we make it that far.

Off to Kay's wedding this weekend! Yay! I'm excited. I mean, I've only known they were going to get married since they started dating. It's about time. And this means I get a weekend in Charleston! Oh, sweet Charleston! I've missed you.

Hopefully with the start of school and a few things I have lined up at the end of the summer I will start doing some MT. Crossed fingers there as well.

Other exciting news... Hm. Well... I can afford to go shopping again. That's exciting. Especially since I can afford non-necessary items like shoes and jewelry again. Sometimes, it's the small things.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Man do I love the Boll Weevil. If you ever visit me, we will go and we will eat cake. Or pie. Or cheesecake.

Today I had cake at the Boll Weevil because... I got a job! Yay! A grown up job! I don't have to serve food, I don't have to sell clothing, I don't have to stand up for hours on end! Yay! I will be a secretary and kids music coordinator at my church. It's not Music Therapy, but it's a job. And hopefully there will be time to start seeing some clients some afternoons. So things are looking up! I am employed and I am happy about it. =)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Weekend Update

I feel like I should post something, just to keep the wide world of mostly people I don't know up to date with my super exciting life. Here goes...

  • Currently living in a construction zone. Ha. Remodeling the kitchen. Floors are done, cabinets come in next week. I'm looking forward to having the kitchen appliances back in the kitchen.
  • Green-lighted to schedule my boards! Yay. 
  • Worked VBS last week. Started in music, ended as a "special helper". 
  • Singing lots at church both in the choir and in the praise band. Lots of fun. Mom and I cut up a lot in choir.
  • Hopefully a job opportunity is opening up. Prayers and fingers crossed on this one! It would be part time giving me a chance to start seeing some Music Therapy clients. If this falls through, I'll probably end up subing this school year. I'd rather be an aide though. But really, I'd rather get this job. =)
Aaaaaannndddd.... That's pretty much it!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Puzzle Palooza

I don't know who named this camp, but it certainly wasn't me. Ah well.

This week I'm working at a camp for children with Autism. Well, working probably isn't the best word for it since I'm not getting paid. But whatever. I'm working with the OT- who is fantastic AND knows about MT! She's been more than happy to work in some music with her plans. I didn't know I was going to be there until Friday and she didn't know until she walked into the room. Yay spontaneity!

It's been... Interesting. Because the workers are mostly parents of kids at camp and students who, I assume are either siblings or kids from the church it's held in, some are better with the kids than others. But because they're volunteers, you don't want to walk up to someone you don't know from Adams house cat and say "You're doing this wrong and this is why this child is reacting this way to you." But I did tell one younger girl that the only reason the child she's working with is behaving the way he is is because she reacts every time. It's a game to him now and he thinks its funny. She didn't really listen. Ok, go ahead and think you know better than I do, it's fine. I'm only 10 years older than you. And I have a college degree. But whatever.

I have had several lovely MT moments thus far. The Purple Alligator song is a hit, of course. I have had two different ask to "play" my guitar for the class, and one who also sang and "played" for the class. This coming from the student who told us he didn't want to participate because he couldn't throw a ball very well. Love it.  And I have had a largely nonverbal student talk to me. More than once. I think it's because I take the time to understand what he's saying to me when he's not using words. And I know sign language, which he responds really well to.

And I've had parents ask for my info and for me to come speak or do a session for a few support groups in the area. Things are looking up for my Music Therapy career around here! Now... I have to conquer the board exam!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Post Grad?

So, here we are. College degree. And what do I do? Nothing. Sigh. I find comfort in knowing my friends had similar hardships finding a job after they had their degrees. But still, I don't enjoy siting around doing nothing but watching back episodes of Say Yes to the Dress (wishing I was shopping for my own), planning dinner, working out, and tanning.

Starting the studying process for my Board Exams. Terrified? Yes. BIG *expensive* very important test. Blech.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Because I FINALLY made the disks for K & A's engagement shoot, I will be removing those pics from Facebook. So, here's a few for my own "portfolio", if you will...

So cute. I wish you two the best!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thanks for the Memories

Well, I did it! I have graduated! After four years of school, dozens of choir concerts, hours in practice rooms, many more hours goofing off, and nine months of internship, I made it to graduation. I wish I could have bottled up Saturday and stretched it out for a week! I have missed seeing all of you! And so, we must take a trip down memory lane...

Kelsi! My Blog friend! You've always been such a bright light in my life- never afraid to go farther, do more, and state your mind. I think of you every time I drink Diet Dr Pepper and drive through Asheville. I am so glad we got to experience Italy and Austria together, sing together in choir, and share the stage (even if I was behind the curtain or in the sound booth). You're going to be a great teacher while saving the world, one recycling bin at a time. =)

Christie! You're the reason I had any friends at CSU. You've been the best friend I could hope for. We've shared happy moments, sad moments, magical moments (Harry Potter!), silly moments. We've shared beds, food, couches, clothes, jewelry, shoes, and goodness knows what else. I turn to you when I need advice or just someone to talk to. Thank you for being my friend. I love you!

Kayla, I don't know if I could even begin to talk about our friendship. We've been together since day one, had almost every class together, and became so close people worried when we weren't together. We know each other inside and out and you had better be in my life forever.  I am so glad I get to keep you for awhile longer before you and Allen go off and leave me! I cannot wait for your wedding this summer! 

Ashley, the only person I really worried about one day ninja attacking me in my sleep. I can't believe it took doing a show together to get to know you. What did I even do in my life before we were friends? I don't know. 

Ah, Sasquatch. My (not so little) brother. I know you're gonna be something great. I bequeath CSU to you. Take good care of it.

Jo! What would I have done without my roommate?! You put up with my antics for three years! We've laughed, we've shared music and movies, I made you watch TV shows and movies you hated. You laughed at me when I fell down... multiple times. Life isn't the same without you in it!

Toya. I don't even know what to say. Other than "I'm mad at that". =)

Anna! Without you, geology would have been awful. And I would have had no one to speculate over professor's possibly pregnancies or the football player's silliness!

Ryan, every time I see you, I see a crow on rollerskates. Even though I didn't get to see you nearly enough during school, I loved every moment we had together. You and Elizabeth have so much in store for your lives!

Vinnie! There is never a dull moment when you're around. You've been a light in my life with your smiling face and tendency to burst into song and dance at the drop of a hat. I am so glad we are friends and life had better bring us back together. I believe I owe you a dance. 

Two people managed to escape me and the camera Saturday- Mac and Robert. Somehow it's fitting that I didn't get pictures with either of you. 

Mac, it's like you're always one step ahead and the rest of us are trying to keep up. Whether it's acting, teaching, directing, or doing nothing or any consequence, you do it to the best of your ability. Without you, I would have no pictures from Austria! (Does your mom still want pictures from Italy?) Thanks for thinking I'm funny, at least most of the time, and for having such a big dream for the future. 

Robert, I cannot believe you're married and that I missed it. I have always appreciated and admired your ability to be completely true to yourself and what you really believe in. Without you, there never would have been an awkward turtle in my life. And that would be tragic.

Erica, I can't believe you missed my graduation. I was at yours! I'm kidding. (Well, I was at your graduation, but you now what I mean...) You've been a great friend and a great confidant. One day, we'll write that book with such topics as "The Freshman Curse", "The Freshman Curse, In Reverse", and "Don't be a Skank". 

I can still remember those first few weeks of school- sitting outside Java City with the girls from Freshman Seminar talking about who knows what, doing that first Lyric Theater show just to get out of my room- little did I know LT would become such a part of my life!, wearing a giant bow on my butt in said first show. The years flew by! I can't believe it's done. So long, CSU. Thanks for the memories. =)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Movin' On Up


Today was my last day as an intern! I am (almost) officially ready to practice Music Therapy. As soon as I take -and pass- my board exams. Graduation is Saturday and then my undergrad career is officially over. How strange. I can remember that first week of my internship- feeling overwhelmed, scared, intimidated, excited. Much like that first week of school way back when. My, how life has changed.

In celebration, I've decided to actually write a real blog post. One with details and everything. I wish I had pics... but I just don't. Sorry world.

The past week has been filled with goodbyes. I have had to say goodbye to the 35 kids I work with! That's a lot of goodbyes! For the most part, they went smoothly, no tears or tantrums. The kids were ok with it, too. I did have one student refuse to sing goodbye, one wrap himself around my legs, one "Love You" from a mostly non-language user, lots of hugs, and even some "I'll miss you"s. I'm not typically one to get super emotional, especially in front of people I'm not super close to, but I will say I've teared up in the car a few times after those sessions. I wasn't quite prepared for having some of those kids mean as much to me as they do now. But when you see students make progress- use language, grow skills, laugh, sing, play... It's hard to separate yourself. These students, and I hope many, many more, are part of who I am. They have changed me and molded me in ways unimaginable. I can't imagine having done my internship anywhere else.

Now I'm (sort of) in the process of packing up to return home. I can't say I'll really miss living in a college town, but I will miss those people I got to know and count as friends here. I was an outsider who was invited into a small part of Virginia Tech for a short while. And even if I don't have any idea what the point of the game of Corn Hole is, I'm glad to say that I have friends here and will count it among the many places I call home.

This past nine months, I have discovered I can live without Diet Coke. And eating out. Which very much helped in the almost 40 pounds I've dropped in the past year. Now for those last 12 pounds to make 50 and to KEEP IT OFF. Wish me luck. I don't want to go back to where I was. Ever. Unless I'm about to birth a child.

Still single. Shocking, I know. But I have faith. That guy is out there somewhere. I just don't know where yet. If anyone out there has any idea, please clue me in.

We're finally settled in the new house. The grass is growing and the driveway is poured. My car is parked behind the house in it's own spot. Obviously, it's time for me to move on.

Now I have to find a job! Eek!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Final Days

I'm down to THREE more days. THREE. Today was my last day at my favorite school with my favorite students. One of them wrapped himself around my legs today. Yesterday I had a student put her face on the ground with her hiney in the air while I sang the goodbye song and she refused to finish the song. =(

I can remember way back to the start of this Internship... days seemed so long and the end of the year seemed so very far away. Now I only have three days left and I'm really sad! I wish I could share the faces and voices of my students. They have wiggled their way into my heart, even on those rough days.

It seems a bit unfair that I have to leave, find a job (!), and make my way in the real world.

Anyone want to hire me?

Sunday, April 24, 2011

That's My King

This video was shown today in church and I wanted to share it with you.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Twenty Days and Counting

Today I had what is most likely to be my last Sunday at church. Bittersweet moment! I'm over the moon excited to graduate, get certified, and start doing what I have truly come to love. I'm also slightly terrified, but what can I say. So, I've been thinking back over the past nine months, and here are some thoughts I've had...

1. I'm hardly the same person I am when I got here. I'd like to say I've  mellowed out. I may have never been the most up tight person to begin with, but I don't worry when things start to go a little wonky. I've learned to just go with it. I can't get upset when my students throw tantrums or don't want to sing a song I've prepared.

2. I've learned to put a lid on my sarcasm. This has been the biggest struggle for me for years. Yes, my sarcasm is always going to be a part of me. But I didn't want people thinking I was mean when I first got here because I put up my sarcasm barrier. I heard that from a lot of my now close friends at the end of last year; I didn't want a repeat. I didn't have four years for people to get to know me here. I had four weeks.

3. I (almost) always sing in key! As long as I take the time to think about it and don't assume I know how a song goes and where it starts.

4. High schoolers are not scary. Now my high school and middle school groups are some of my favorites.

5. I've come to learn that those kids that are "easy" are actually far more difficult to work with than the "difficult" kids.

6. I've accomplished things I never thought I could do. I've done this internship, I've found a church where I feel included and accepted that wasn't a place that I already knew people my age, I've made new friends, and I've lost 37 pounds. That last one is actually the most impressive to myself. I honestly never thought it would happen. =)

7. Today, Logan named me an honorary Hokie.I consider that a pretty big complement. =)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Hello, Future!

I am staring the end of my internship in the face. I have as little as 12 (non-consecutive) days left! Today is aprox. day 135. 135!!! I can remember day 5!!! So much has changed! I don't shun the piano, I sing in key, I'm living in my own apartment, the future intern is asking me questions... Wow.
A moment I had today: I'm sitting at the piano with one of my students. He climbs into my lap, hooks his feet around my legs, pulls my arms around him, and squeezes. It was the sweetest thing!
I seriously cannot believe it's almost over. When did this happen? More reminiscing to come...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Musical Moments

The end of my internship is drawing near and I'm really enjoying this last month or so of sessions. The students are responding well and I'm comfortable enough to try new and more challenging things. I've been doing more improv activities and I'm learning to make up songs as I go- much sucess with the Clock Song and So-and-so ate Ms Julie. Today I had my additional session with my case study student and it's just so awesome to see the difference in him from the start of the year. He used to say maybe five "words" per session and now he's chattering the whole time, even singing with me! And he looks like a Fraggle, so the combination of enthusiasm and Fraggle is just too adorable. Downside of coming to the end is that I'm swamped with work. Researching and writing my case study, reading two books simultanesly and trying to spend enough time planning sessions to keep them interesting and new, and looking for that all important JOB. As my case study would say, Whew!

"Spring Break" is a week and a half away and I can't wait! I'm headed to Charleston before heading home and I cannot wait to see my friends!

In other news unrelated to anything else, I've lost a total of 35 pounds. =)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I love you, Ms Stephanie!

That's the first thing I heard this morning when I got to school. What better way to start the day? Well, other than Kathy Lee and Hoda, which I also got to watch today! For last week's Tuesday having been so awful, today has  been awesome. =)

Not to be premature, but it's looking like I'm going to reach 35 pounds this week putting me ahead of my goal for graduation and Kayla's wedding! That's exciting! Especially when I consider I never honestly thought I'd be at this point. I wanted to, and here I am. Officially wearing a smaller pants size than I ever did at CSU. Thanks for that, Caf. I blame Jimmy and his Philly Cheese Steaks. Darn you, Jimmy.

Almost down to one month until graduation, less than a month until I return to Charleston! Who's excited? I am!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Udderly Ridiculous

Oh what pun. If you know me, you know of my udder- ha, did it again- dislike for milk. That being said, I'm attempting to do the "Special K" diet for the next two weeks. The one where you eat cereal twice a day. Now, generally, I just eat my cereal dry, much to the disgust of many. I'd like to point out that when you snack on cereal out of the box, you're eating it dry. But I digress. Anywho, I don't generally eat cereal every day and so I don't keep milk in my fridge. Not to mention the fact that there's just no way I'm ever going to go through a 1/2 gallon of milk by myself before it expires and therefore, it's a waste of money. Well, this weekend, I've discovered a new friend. Silk Light Vanilla Soy Milk. I'm not new to soy milk- when it's available to me, it's what I use in cereal and whatnot. Milk of any variety isn't my favorite- to me, a white drink should taste like a vanilla milkshake, not whatever milk tastes like. Which, I suppose, is milk. Anywho, I find I quite like vanilla soy milk. It's not lost on me that I'm adding sweetned soy milk to my cereal, but hey- I'm still getting the goodness of milk without the side effects. =)

In other news... My life is boring.

Friday, March 25, 2011

As Time Goes By

Well, it's trying to be Spring here in the mountains. It was warm for like a week, now we're calling for Winter-mix this weekend. Yuck. Ah well. At least I'm not battling inch thick pine pollen this year. My allergies are thankful. =)

This week started off not great. Tired, ready to be done, beyond ready to see friends from home, in need of a social life, all of these things coming together to take a toll mentally on me. Add on top of that some, admittedly needed, criticism from my intern supervisor, by Tuesday I was about to throw in the towel. Not on life, just on this week. No one call any hotlines, please. =) But after a few words of encouragement and a monologue to myself more or less summed up to "Suck it up, Steph", the week took a sharp turn around Wednesday. I suppose I'm starting to feel like I don't need supervision, I have been here 7 almost 8 months, but I so quickly forget I am still a student and I am most certainly not perfect. I can always improve. Oh, self awareness.

Graduation, the end of my internship, and then my board exams are all just around the corner. It seems like so recently I was sitting in my first class thinking about just how long it was going to be until the end was in sight. Now it's right in front of me and I just hope I'm ready.

Well, time for another session. Off to sing about a Purple Alligator. =)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Rhythm of Love

So, last time I posted the remix Rhythm of Love which is now often stuck in my head. I played it this morning for my middle school group, which is one of my most fun and enthusiastic groups, and they loved it! One student even told me so, unprompted, on her communication device. It's these little moments that make it all worth it.

In other news, I got a new workout DVD this weekend. It's one of the Biggest Loser things, and let me tell you- my legs are killing me today! But in a good way. I hope.

Had an awesome conversation with my best-ie, Christie today. Much needed, much loved. So good to talk to someone about everything going on in life, from friends, guys, what's up in our Spiritual lives, work, you name it, we talked about it. That is probably the number one thing I lack here- a really close friend who I can talk about absolutely anything with. All in good time, right?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

This Week on The Intern

It's been a really good week. I had a seven year old ask me "How's life?" and a high school dance the Thriller. What beats that? Found a new favorite song, a MT friendly version of Rhythm of Love by the Plain White T's. Very fun. I like the original version as well, but this one is kid friendly. My echo microphone has become quite the popular item this week. Funny how something so simple that only costs a dollar can become something so exciting.

For your listening pleasure, here's the video of the PWTs song. And as it's me... I can't get the video to shrink enough. Ah well. Visit for the original. =)


Woah, look out!

New title, new picture up there, yay me! Enjoy the new look. Hopefully I'll be posting more MT related things, intern stuff, etc. as well as moments of my life. =)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wasted Moments

You know, it's probably are really good thing I'm not really in charge. Like, of life. Mine, anyway. I can only imagine where I'd be if I were. I'd have a different major at a different school, I never would have come to VA because I would have never heard of Music Therapy. I wouldn't have my most amazing of friends who stick by me through thick and thin even when they're six hours away. They listen to me complain without trying to give me unwanted advice, they rejoice with me when I'm happy, they remind me that there's a much bigger picture for my life than what I can possibly see or imagine.

But just because I know that there's more for me than my small mind can possibly begin to wrap itself around, that doesn't stop me from trying. And when things don't go my way, or the way I think they should, when people end up not to be who I wanted them to be or thought them to be, when people walk out of my life, when I walk out of others... I can't say I'm always overjoyed. In fact, if I could count the amount of times I've lamented over one thing or another, the amount of time spent on someone not worth it, the number of times I've made myself feel less than I am because of someone else... That's a lot of wasted time. My goodness. Think of all the other things I could be doing. And think of how much better my life is than so many others. What right do I have to complain?

I'd like to say it won't happen, but that's a lie. I know it will. Because I have some strange thought in my head that what I want is what's best. Laughable. I'd really like to say that I won't be made to feel less than I am- less pretty than someone, whatever. But that probably won't happen. I can lose 30 lbs fairly easily. But retraining myself to think is a little harder.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wacky Wednesday

Today's title is in honor of the great Dr. Suess who's birthday is today.
Perhaps if I rhymed the whole entry, I could tip my hat in another way.

Today was much better, I cannot deny.
My car is still soggy, but I remain dry.

My day started off well, although I didn't want to get out of bed,
But then a mom brought me a muffin from Our Daily Bread.

The day ended well, for dinner I made enchiladas.

I cannot think of something to rhyme with enchiladas.

The End.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Puddle

This morning, I had flashbacks to this:

And this:

Translation: This morning, I had a nice puddle in my car. Yesterday, it rained. And for those of you who know me well, you know how much I love a good rain storm. Calming, refreshing rain. But not when it's inside your car. But sadly, this time, it was my own fault. Apparently I didn't quite close my door all the way when I got something out of the front seat, I didn't quite close the door all the way. Arg.

Let's continue with Tuesday, shall we? My sessions actually went well. Remembered my lunch, all my kids were here. Yay.

But then, it occurs to me that I left my picture cards at the second school I was at today. So, I had to go get them after my last session. On my way there, my car and didn't seem to be seeing eye to eye on weather or not it should, you know, run. It cut off. In the middle of the road. If only that were the first time that had happened. Arg, again.

So, made it to school number two. Got cards. Got in car. Car doesn't share my opinion on, you know, starting. Arg, yet again.

Then, I slipped in mud. Not on my face or anything, but there's mud on my shoes.

Good thing it's not my day to cook. It would probably burn.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Big 3-0

Today is a momentous day for me. As some of you know, I've been trying to lose weight since May. Not for anyone else, just for me and to better my health. Well, today I've hit quite the benchmark- I've lost 30 pounds! So it occurred to me yesterday, while I was discovering just how much I've lost through re-trying on some of my clothes that now fit like they honestly never did before, that most of you haven't seen me since May or June with very few exceptions. So, today we shall remedy that. =)

Me and Dr L. during the spring opera last year, somewhere in the neighborhood of March 2009

Today- February 6, 2010

Friday, January 14, 2011


Today is my birthday.

You know what I really want?

Internet. In my apartment.
