And this:
Translation: This morning, I had a nice puddle in my car. Yesterday, it rained. And for those of you who know me well, you know how much I love a good rain storm. Calming, refreshing rain. But not when it's inside your car. But sadly, this time, it was my own fault. Apparently I didn't quite close my door all the way when I got something out of the front seat, I didn't quite close the door all the way. Arg.
Let's continue with Tuesday, shall we? My sessions actually went well. Remembered my lunch, all my kids were here. Yay.
But then, it occurs to me that I left my picture cards at the second school I was at today. So, I had to go get them after my last session. On my way there, my car and didn't seem to be seeing eye to eye on weather or not it should, you know, run. It cut off. In the middle of the road. If only that were the first time that had happened. Arg, again.
So, made it to school number two. Got cards. Got in car. Car doesn't share my opinion on, you know, starting. Arg, yet again.
Then, I slipped in mud. Not on my face or anything, but there's mud on my shoes.
Good thing it's not my day to cook. It would probably burn.
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