Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ups and Downs

This weekend I had the most wonderful time in Charleston, the city in which my heart resides. I had quite forgotten how wonderful it is to be surrounded by people who love you and understand your quirks and love you for every bit of you.
It was also my birthday this weekend- 24! I'm getting old. It's weird to think back to when I was nine or ten and to remember all the things I thought I would have done by now- graduated college (yes), full time job (not quite), married (not even close). But I can't say I'm unhappy with where I am now. I could be happier, yes, but that has to do more with my physical location than anything else. Speaking of locations, this weekend brought to light just how little I have keeping me here. If I can find a full time job in Charleston... I'm pretty much already there.
Returning to my church in Charleston was so much like going home. I have missed the way Summit worships with pure joy and abandon. I wish I could afford the drive to be there every Sunday. But, at the same time, God reminds me that I am to find joy and satisfaction in Him regardless of my location or situation. So I press on toward the prize.
I have made it past the 55 lb mark. Hear that? FIFTY FIVE POUNDS. That's almost 1/4 of my body weight when I started this journey in May of 2010. As I get closer to my goal weight, I have to admit I'm kind of terrified. What if I can't maintain this? I refuse to go back to the way I was. I suppose that will be it's own journey that will come with it's own struggles.
Today I also hit another pretty impressive goal- I ran 6 miles today. On the elliptical, but it was set to hills on a level 6. A year ago, running more than a mile was daunting. Now a mile is a warm up. How far we have come in such a short time.

For my birthday, we went to see Beauty and the Beast in 3D. We dressed like Disney characters for the occasion. You now understand why I miss these people so much.

And my lovely beach. It was cold, but it welcomed me home with welcome arms. =)

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