Wednesday, April 11, 2012

I like that I'm always telling myself I'm going to be a more active blogger... and then I stop writing for weeks (or months) at a time. Funny how that works, isn't it?

Well, in the last few weeks, I've presented Music Therapy at one of the local hospitals, attended the SER-AMTA conference in Charlotte, and was a guest, along with Elmo, with one of the local support groups. Coming up in May, I'll have a booth at one of the local Resource Fairs for parents with children with Special Needs. All in all, a good day for Music Therapy! Now, if only I can get a job in my actual field!

Leading up to conference, I had to miss three weeks of sessions with my kiddos- two to make up work hours and another week they were on Spring Break. I didn't realize just how much they kick off my week! Those kids are so full of excitement and happiness! I really wish I was working with kids full time. I am seriously looking into private practice! Scary, but I think it might be the best path for me to take at the moment. And it would get me out of my parents house. (And I am SO ready to get out of my parents house! Don't get me wrong, I love them. But seriously. It's time.)

Spent last weekend with some most lovely people at the zoo. And the mall. And the park. And Jacob's house. What I wouldn't give to live in the general proximity of these lovely people. Pics to come of that adventure. (I'm at work... Shh! Don't tell!)

I find myself in a general need of an attitude adjustment. And it's not like I don't know the cause of said icky attitude. I've been trying to do things my way instead of the way of my most Glorious Creator.

And where has that gotten me? Well, let's review...
1. I'm unsatisified with my work situation. I know this isn't where I'm going to be forever, but I'm here now and I should be applying myself to the best of my abilities everyday. Instead of using this sense of unsatisfaction to propel me forward into a job I'm called to, I'm just sitting at my computer complaining. Not helpful.
2. I'm unsatisfied with myself. This is a day-by-day struggle that I face everyday- the person in the mirror. And I mean that on a totally "face-value" level. Since May 2010, I've been on a journey to change my reflection- mostly in the way of losing weight. Of which I've been successful, but there are days where I am just all around unhappy with myself. I've come to accept that this will be something I'll deal with for the rest of my days and I will overcome it. And come out stronger in the end.
3. I'm unsatisified with my current "relationship status". Well, this is both true and untrue. I mean, I'm not filling out a profile on or anything, but I'm more than ready to be through with the singleness part of my journey through life.

General unsatisfaction and a large void in my life that I can't fill. And you know what? I can't fix this problem on my own. I think I'll hand it over to Someone far greater than myself.

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