Monday, May 31, 2010

What's in a Word?

So, I leave for Italy soon, and on these fun-filled trips across the pond, a certain member of the faculty at my school and I like to see who can use an absurd word the most. Last time was "Sasquatch" and I won, thank you very much. This trip does not yet have a fun word, but I'm looking for a good one. A few contenders are the following:

Askew, disarrayed, or disorderly.


A 20th century term used to describe nonsensical language like that used by government bureaucrats


Partnership; comradeship.


The act of milking of cows


A noun meaning the throwing of a person or thing out a window


Askew, without prior planning, or every which way


The state of having a mustache


Useful when "shenanigans" just doesn't cut it


Useful when "shenanigans" just doesn't cut it


Fancy word for the cultivation of a beard


Fancy word for a juggler.

in other news, Christie and Ben came for a lovely visit. They make me smile. =)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


So, my weekend in Charleston did not go without pictures, naturally. I just was lazy and didn't feel like uploading pics until I ran out of things to do and watch on tv tonight. I should catch up on Lost, but... whatever.
And so, without further ado, a few snapshots of my weekend in Chucktown.

Christie had a hot date. He didn't say much, but those eyes are just so expressive.

Ben met the local wildlife. He obviously did not read the "Living with Alligators" flier in Russel West.

Showed some ugly tile who was boss.

Picture worth a thousand words?

Enjoyed the evening. Until bugs the size of small airplanes attacked.

Played some guitar. 

And caught Syd's little brother cuddling with a stuffed frog and a Hugga Bunch pillow. Even if he won't admit it.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Home Coming

So, I have returned from a weekend in Charleston. Oh, glorious Charleston. I miss it. So much. I'm sure my friends here in NA tire of hearing me complain about how much I dislike it here... but honestly, NA isn't home anymore. I never thought I'd say that... but it's really true. My heart is two and a half hours away and I don't know when I'm going back or for how long when I do.
What do I miss the most? The people who have become my family. My friends who are such a part of my life I don't know what to do without them and sometimes I wonder how I function without them. I know I have friends here in NA, don't get me wrong. And those friends I wouldn't trade for the world. All two of them. And then there's church- I love love love my church in Charleston. They have become more to me in a year than my church here has in many, many years. I do love my church here... but they aren't family.
I'm going to miss the silliness and the nothingness. The pointless conversation in the Caf about everything under the sun. Having my friends right there when I need them. Four years ago I was dreading the move to college... Now I just wish I could stay forever. =/

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

If home is where the heart is...

So, I am home for the summer. How exciting. My days are currently filled with... nothing. I'm home alone, waiting for the rest of my family to return from school and work. But I thought I'd just keep all three people who read my blog updated on my life... Here are the highlights of my days...

  1. Talking online with friends who are still in Charleston. Alas, they are at WORK for FOREVER.
  2. Had lunch with Katie and Laura today. That was exciting. And Emmy who makes life more interesting for us all.
  3. Wal-Mart. I went twice in the first two days I was home. 
  4. My cat
  5. Watching the last few episodes I have left on my Season 7 DVD of Gilmore Girls. Because I have no cable in my room. 
  6. Cleaning my room... Sorta.
  7. Checking the mail
  8. Making dinner.
  9. ...
  10. Yep, that's it.
And now, for your picture-ing pleasure...

Chris and Megs on Prom Night... My brother is old enough to go to Senior Prom. Woah.

Mmmm... Monterrey's. Don't let my face fool you. It really is my fav.

Mmmm... Lens Flare. =)

Mom's Daisys.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Lucky Number Seven

So, today marked the seventh CSU graduation I have sat through, what with Jerry and his giant medallion and our favorite Pan Flute music. But today- today was different. Today I watched all these people I have known for four years, people I started CSU with walk across that stage. Bittersweet. I knew from the start today wouldn't be my graduation. That's the beauty of a five year degree program.But still.As I sat there in the rather chilly Coliseum, I thought back over the things I have learned since graduating High School...

1. I have learned the value of true friendship. Some people come and go without much impact on us. But true friends are there for the long haul. They put up with you in your worst times and still love you after. When you're lucky enough to find these kinds of friends, hold on and hold on tight.
2. Never overlook the little people. The most amazing people at CSU often go unnoticed. Secretaries, office people, Caf staff- make friends with these people. They will do anything for you. 
3. Not everyone is going to like me. And that's ok. Because, quite frankly, I probably don't like them either.
4. Don't think you have everything figured out- because you are wrong.
5. You are never too old for naps, coloring, or Disney movies.
6. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
7. Life is too short not to sing to your friends in the cafeteria.
8. Complements go way further than tearing someone down.
9. Going out of your way to make someone smile is always worth it.
10. God knows what He's doing. Just trust Him.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


So, I'm supposed to be packing ALL MY STUFF to go home.
Do I want to? I think not.

Consider that Two of those large plastic containers are already packed... and you can't see my dresser or my closet. It's gonna be a long night.