Monday, May 31, 2010

What's in a Word?

So, I leave for Italy soon, and on these fun-filled trips across the pond, a certain member of the faculty at my school and I like to see who can use an absurd word the most. Last time was "Sasquatch" and I won, thank you very much. This trip does not yet have a fun word, but I'm looking for a good one. A few contenders are the following:

Askew, disarrayed, or disorderly.


A 20th century term used to describe nonsensical language like that used by government bureaucrats


Partnership; comradeship.


The act of milking of cows


A noun meaning the throwing of a person or thing out a window


Askew, without prior planning, or every which way


The state of having a mustache


Useful when "shenanigans" just doesn't cut it


Useful when "shenanigans" just doesn't cut it


Fancy word for the cultivation of a beard


Fancy word for a juggler.

in other news, Christie and Ben came for a lovely visit. They make me smile. =)


  1. logorrhea
    -The excessive flow/a spewing of words.

  2. ahh yes cattywampus is out because this word is already used too much...and it's a regular part of my own vocabulary. However, defenestration is always a fun word to use.
