Monday, May 17, 2010

Home Coming

So, I have returned from a weekend in Charleston. Oh, glorious Charleston. I miss it. So much. I'm sure my friends here in NA tire of hearing me complain about how much I dislike it here... but honestly, NA isn't home anymore. I never thought I'd say that... but it's really true. My heart is two and a half hours away and I don't know when I'm going back or for how long when I do.
What do I miss the most? The people who have become my family. My friends who are such a part of my life I don't know what to do without them and sometimes I wonder how I function without them. I know I have friends here in NA, don't get me wrong. And those friends I wouldn't trade for the world. All two of them. And then there's church- I love love love my church in Charleston. They have become more to me in a year than my church here has in many, many years. I do love my church here... but they aren't family.
I'm going to miss the silliness and the nothingness. The pointless conversation in the Caf about everything under the sun. Having my friends right there when I need them. Four years ago I was dreading the move to college... Now I just wish I could stay forever. =/

1 comment:

  1. Oh I so understand. Growing up is so hard...and confusing. But so wonderful! I know you're going to have a wonderful experience with so many new things to learn while you're in Virginia.
