Monday, August 27, 2012

Fall Preview

So here for the past few days, the weather here has been incredible! Mid/High eighties for the past few days is like heaven! I know it's because of the hurricane, and I do keep those in the path of said storm in my thoughts and prayers (I've been through my fair share of hurricanes and typhoons, so I know what you're going through!), but I do hope against hope that the weather continues. It's so great to re-think your wardrobe to make it a little more Fall-ish! 

I know... Fall? But it's still August! Yes, well, this is the South and we don't get a lot of weather change, so we do what we can with what we've got. 

Speaking of such things, roommate Michele found this style blog that has changed our lives. 
Putting Me Together is a fun little blog about rethinking what's already in your closet and building a really versatile and usable wardrobe. For all you fashion forward people out there, this is probably nothing exciting for you, but for the rest of us mortals, shopping in your closet can be a whole lot of fun! Especially when you live with three other girls of similar size and taste. 

In other news, I am LOVING my new job. I start with my school groups and some possible Adult Day Care groups this week, so that's super exciting. I am so much happier here, doing what I love and what I know God had planned for me to be doing. And that's a good feeling. 

Michele and I have signed up for the Color Me Rad 5K in October. It's my first 5K and I am really excited! It looks like so much fun a so little pressure. So I've started running in preparation. Whew! I thought I was in pretty good shape- I went to the gym on a regular basis for the whole year I was at home, did the elliptical all the time, and then I started running outside. In the heat and humidity. Great day. I'm getting better! Every time I push just a little harder!

God has been working in me a good bit lately. Arg. He's been using the people around me to open my eyes to myself. I can see where I had gotten pretty negative and sarcastic, and as a former minister of mine once told me, the world has enough of that in it already. I struggle with my self worth a lot- not just accepting myself for myself (read: body image), but wanting to find my worth in other people- how they see me, if they like me, that kind of thing. But who am I living for? God or man? 
I'm both excited and apprehensive about what God's got in store for the upcoming year. I know great things are going to be the end result, but the process of getting there is going to be a long and arduous battle.

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