Well, my new job gives me much more down time. So here's a post in the effort of bringing you an update on some of the crafty things I've been getting into lately.
First, The Table.

I got this table for all of $10 at the thrift store and the big book you see there for $1. I had seen a Pinterest post I wanted to replicate, and the need for a coffee table in the apartment lent itself to this project.
Step One: Sand table. I used the power sander you see above, which I would recommend using if you have one. The table itself was a little rough on the top- some stickers stuck to it, a few stains, but otherwise in great shape. No wobbly legs, solid wood- a great find, if I do say so myself. Anywho, either sand your table or use for of that fancy primer or paint that you don't have to sand to use. I'm old school and like to sand that varnish off.

Partially sanded table. Don't get overwhelmed with excitement.
Step Two: Paint your table. I had most of a can of flat black spray paint in the garage, so that's what I used. I actually like the flat finish for this project, but paint whatever finish and color your heart desires.

Painted! Notice, I didn't paint the top of the table. You're going to cover it, so don't waste the paint.
Step Three: This is where our tale get's a little sad. Step three involves Modge Podge-ing book pages to the top of the table. I used your basic MP to adhere said pages from my book. Be generous, but don't go overboard. Most wrinkles will work themselves out as it dries as long as you haven't put on way too much MP. Let dry completely. Now, I didn't take a picture of this step because I was going to wait until it was all nice and sealed. Well. Dad suggested I put a layer of poly-urethane over my layer of MP that I used to seal the table. I thought "Sure! That makes sense- then it'll be water resistant!" So on went the poly, and here's what happened...

Those wet looking spots? Yeah, those were dry. The table had been left to dry for three hours. Sigh.
So, I resanded and recovered.

Final product! (Again...)
Overall, I love my table. The only thing that bugs me are the rough edges. Using a rectangular or square table is much easier. Since my original table, my friends have also done one using old comic book pages (for a guys house) and there is another one in the process of being covered with printed scrapbook pages. The possibilities are only bound by your imagination!

I stole this picture- credit for photo and crafty awesomeness goes to Christie, Alicia, and Ashley the most amazing women ever who made it for the most amazing of all guy friends. =) This is the comic table, obviously.
Stay tuned for more Pinterest in Real Life stories!
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