Sunday, April 17, 2011

Twenty Days and Counting

Today I had what is most likely to be my last Sunday at church. Bittersweet moment! I'm over the moon excited to graduate, get certified, and start doing what I have truly come to love. I'm also slightly terrified, but what can I say. So, I've been thinking back over the past nine months, and here are some thoughts I've had...

1. I'm hardly the same person I am when I got here. I'd like to say I've  mellowed out. I may have never been the most up tight person to begin with, but I don't worry when things start to go a little wonky. I've learned to just go with it. I can't get upset when my students throw tantrums or don't want to sing a song I've prepared.

2. I've learned to put a lid on my sarcasm. This has been the biggest struggle for me for years. Yes, my sarcasm is always going to be a part of me. But I didn't want people thinking I was mean when I first got here because I put up my sarcasm barrier. I heard that from a lot of my now close friends at the end of last year; I didn't want a repeat. I didn't have four years for people to get to know me here. I had four weeks.

3. I (almost) always sing in key! As long as I take the time to think about it and don't assume I know how a song goes and where it starts.

4. High schoolers are not scary. Now my high school and middle school groups are some of my favorites.

5. I've come to learn that those kids that are "easy" are actually far more difficult to work with than the "difficult" kids.

6. I've accomplished things I never thought I could do. I've done this internship, I've found a church where I feel included and accepted that wasn't a place that I already knew people my age, I've made new friends, and I've lost 37 pounds. That last one is actually the most impressive to myself. I honestly never thought it would happen. =)

7. Today, Logan named me an honorary Hokie.I consider that a pretty big complement. =)

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