Friday, December 31, 2010


Last day of 2010. Really? Has a whole decade gone by already? And I spent that whole decade with the same home address. Wow.

January: January is my birthday month, and this year I turned 22. Go me! Fun times with friends, mom came to visit me at school like she usually does. My birthdays are typically pretty small since it's only three weeks after Christmas.What did I even do for my birthday? Oh well. It happened.
I also was a leader, probably for the last time, of Disciple Now for FBC. Great group of senior girls. =)
AND I got my camera. Oh, was that a happy day. =)

February: Uh... Does anything ever happen in February? Oh! Wait! It snowed! The most snow I'd ever really seen on the ground up to this point in time. Very fun, very pretty.

March: Took engagement pictures for the now Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dockery, lost a kite on the beach, built a few sandcastles.  Also this month I interviewed for my internship in both Atl and Montgomery Co. Also rode a motorcycle and threw a bottle into the ocean.

April: Visited the Zoo on Good Friday, built a few more sandcastles, finally saw the lighthouse on Folly Beach. Received the good news that I was, in fact, accepted as the intern in VA! Yay! Second most exciting day of the school year. Second to the day my camera came in. Of course. My official last Lyric Theater show ever with CSU was performed, the two American Operas. First time I got to work all the lights during a show though! That was fun. Walked around like a T-Rex, photographed a song and put pennies on a railroad track.

May: Watched so many of my friends graduate! Came home for the summer, returned to the Pink Dipper. Yay. (Sarcasm card) My last in-country choir tour with Concert Singers. Sad.

June: Chris graduated High School! Yay! Then I left for Italy for my last (planned) over-seas choir tour. So much fun- probably highlight of the year. =)

July: July brought with it Christie and Harry Potter. You can't go wrong with those two. Christie came to stay with us and went with us to Florida to visit my grandparents. And we went to Universal Studios to visit the brand spankin' new Wizarding World of Harry Potter. This would have been the highlight of the year had it not been for Italy. 

August: This was the first time in... as long as I can remember that I didn't start school in August. Chris went off to CSU and I made my last trip to Charleston until graduation. Sadly... no pics this month.

September: I moved to VA to start my internship! Yay! This is the furthest I've ever been from the ocean in my life. 

October: Not much happened in October... Construction continued on the house, I met my mom in NC for a weekend... And that was pretty much it. 

November: Thanksgiving brought family and friends and a chance to get out and take some pictures again. Kayla and Allen stopped by to see me on their way back to Charleston. Christie, Ashley and I went out to Mountain Lake Inn where they filmed Dirty Dancing. Super cold that day and we had to drive 7 miles up the side of a mountain, but it was worth it in the end. Construction toils on with the house... 

December: December brought a MT meeting in Aiken, the longest time ever to have to go to school before Christmas break, and Christmas. It was so good to come home! I hadn't been home in months. The drive here isn't that fun, but it could be a lot worse, too. And we finally moved into the house! Hooray! Sadly, December pics will have to wait. Genius here left the camera in VA.

So what's to come in 2011? Another year older, the end of my internship, another move, graduation(!), certification, Kayla's wedding, hopefully a job, and who knows what else. Here's to hoping it's every bit as good and even better than 2010. 

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Today, my dear friend Katie and I actually made a solid decision concerning having dinner together. And it didn't involve Mexican food.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A Post-Christmas Update

Oh, it's been awhile since I've posted! Since the last post I have moved, had a meeting which hopefully result in a job, unpacked almost all of my belongings, come home for Christmas, and am now the unwilling owner of a lovely cold.

On my apartment: LOVE having my own space to watch what I want, eat what I want, etc. Even though I'm still eating dinner upstairs... That's ok. Homecooked food... what a burden I carry. Most of my things are unpacked and I'm starting to put things on the walls. Pictures are on the dresser, posters on the living room wall, lights plugged in, books on the shelves. It's a nice little place to have. Pictures to come once I have both internet and my camera in the same location.

On Christmas: Quite a lovely Christmas here at home. I got almost all grown-up gifts. And Beauty and the Beast. Because... come on. It's pretty much the best Disney movie of my childhood. Also received my own sewing machine. Now my creative juices can flow in a whole new way! Picked up some cross stitch sets to work on in the evenings when yarn isn't calling my name. Thinking of learning how to embroider here in the not to far off future. I'm telling you, I was born in the wrong century. I'd make an awesome housewife 60 some-odd years ago.

On Personal Triumph: This time last year, my pants were not fitting and I was having to go up a size. Those up-sized pants are now (literally) falling off, those pants that were too tight are now too big, and I've gone down another size since starting this weight loss thing in May. Slow and steady!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A Few New Experiences

My weekend has been an interesting one to say the least. Bit by bit, I'm moving into the new house. I've uncovered- count them- 16 mixing bowls I've managed to collect over the years. I'm getting rid of quite a few... Keeping the two nice plastic bowls that are more like popcorn bowls, the three metal bowls, and the 5 ceramic bowls that are pretty and colorful... eliminating 6. Anyone want a bowl?

So, it snowed this weekend. My first time seeing snow in December! I like snow. It's so pretty and makes everything look all new and clean. But my word, is it cold this week. Tuesday's high is 32. 32! That's freezing! Literally! Ah well. Well, this morning I had to sweep all the snow off my car to go to church. That was a new experience. Also new- snow with no gloves. Not fun. Guess what I'm doing on my time off tomorrow? Yes. Buying gloves. And coffee creamer. 

Two hour delay tomorrow. Yay for a little extra sleep, but sad day- I had some new fun stuffs planned for tomorrow. And now I don't get to use them. I mean, yes, I'll just save them for next week. But still. Arg. 

Today, I thought I was going to be computer-less until Thursday. My computer fell victim to two nasty, nasty viruses. It totally took out my spyware. But thankfully, that dumb stuff they make you download at CSU is still up and working on my computer. Who knew. After like two hours of messing with my computer, here I am. Back in action. Oh, look at that. As I'm sitting here, my spyware is back. Everything seems all right. Woohoo! Let's hope that's a first that remains a single time experience.

This was early afternoon yesterday. It's all nice and white and covered now... but it's dark outside.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Light at the End of the Tunnel

So we're FINALLY starting the moving process! Yay! It's looking like the "official" moving date will be the weekend around Dec. 10... Which is fine with me cause I won't be here! I'll be in Aiken doing a MT proposal. So, all my stuff has to be out of here by the afternoon of the 9th. I've been getting my kitchen put together, my lights work, I have doors, my appliances are all in, I just need the light in the living room installed. And, you know, general cleaning. And having my bed frame put back together. I am wondering, however, how in the world I got all my clothes to fit in those suitcases...

Spent the last two days on my own due to sick kids (my supervisor's) and I've had two really good days! Had one of those "Hey, I could really do this" moments this afternoon. Woah, real life!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


One more day of Thanksgiving break left -sigh-. But it's been a good break. =)
Mom, Dad, Chris, Christie, and Ashley came to see me! Hooray! Very exciting. And all the rest of my stuff came up as well. A million thanks to my dad who drove the truck with all my stuff in it all the way up here. That is not a fun drive. =/
Hopefully we get the green light to occupy the house soon. Just a few things left here and there until we're there. We're supposed to be in by the first of December. But then again, we were supposed to be in by Halloween at one point in time. Ah well. All in good time. But, like I've said before, I am SO ready to be in my own space with all my own familiar things, sleeping in my own bed again. I am eternally grateful for having somewhere to live for virtually nothing all this time... But I'm ready.
Thanksgiving was fun. Lots of people, lots of food, lots of laughter. Friday I went to the Mountain Lake Inn with Christie, Ashley, and Chris. That's where they filmed Dirty Dancing! Had to drive up the side of a mountain, almost got killed by a tour bus, wandered around in a cloud in 34 degree weather plus wind chill, but it was totally worth it! It's just like out of the movie!
Also saw Harry Potter on Friday. I liked it quite a bit and this time there were no major plot points left out, such as entire battle scenes. Always good.
And.... My camera got a lovely workout! Finally! So, for your viewing pleasure... (Because Blogger was being awesome today, these are a little wonky in their alignment...)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Intern aka The Future Housewife

So, not much going on this weekend, but I was feeling crafty this weekend. I've been working on a lap-sized afghan for some time now, and it's coming along nicely. I add on average one color stripe every day, which doesn't sound like much, but I'm really only working on it after dinner during Wheel and Jeopardy. Such a party animal I've become, I know. Anywho, I'm needing a bit of a break from it for a little while, so with the help of YouTube, I've mastered the Granny Square. Also, forget trying to decode crochet directions anymore... YouTube makes it SO much easier for those like me who need to SEE it being done. =) 
My very first Granny Square. This one has a round center.
Square Number Two- I did this one in twenty minutes flat. Super easy. Why have I not done these before?
The "LapGhan" if you will. Pretty straight forward ZigZag. I think I just now figured out how to make the ends look nice and neat... But hey, it's my first one of these, too. Oh, and if you look behind it, that's part of the T-shirt quilt I made this summer. 
I'm going through photography withdraw.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rather Profound Thoughts from Rather Profound People

On occasion, my kids say some of the most amazing profound things. I have decided to share them with you, my devoted readers(...), to so enrich your lives as mine has been.

On hair growth:
MT: What grows on your head?
Pre-school Class: Hair!
Single Kid: Sometimes hair grows on your legs.

On Light and Darkness:
Preface: Student was making up a song about going to the doctor
Student: Then we went into a really dark room. But it was really dark, so we turned the light on.
MT: Then what happened?
Student: It wasn't dark anymore.

More to come, I'm sure. =)

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Different Perspective

I work with lots of kids from lots of backgrounds and I see lots of different kinds of kids all week. And sometimes you meet a kid who just breaks your heart. I can't use names or locations or details or anything else, but this isn't about that. This is about me being every so thankful for the amazing family I grew up in with a happy childhood and not a care in the world. Which is how it should be when you're a kid. Take time and be thankful for what you've been given. And if you didn't have such a great childhood, be thankful you came through it. Learn from the past, change the future.
And on a totally different note, I often how I can think to complain about things like a headache or something so trivial when I work with so many kids who are medical miracles. Just a different perspective.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Intern: A few things I've learned

1. I have learned that I seem to have a certain talent for understanding those with severe speech impediments. And those who have developed their own language of sorts.
2. Changing the strings on a classical guitar is way more of a pain than my acoustic.
3. Guitar strings make your hands smell like old pennies. Yuck.
4. Cold in VA is so completely different than cold in SC. 37 degrees just doesn't feel as cold here.
5. I still don't like eating sandwiches everyday.
6. Pretty much everything can be played in D or A. Few exceptions.
7. My car and I still have a love-hate relationship. That is, we love to hate each other.
8. Driving on some of the back roads in the mountains makes me feel car sick. And I'm the one driving.
9. I like having my own kitchen. Or at least one that I do the majority of the cooking in.
10. If it weren't for Skype and AIM, I probably wouldn't be able to make it through this whole thing.
11. Even though they're hours and miles away, I still have some of the best friends I could ever ask for.
12. Even though I will probably never find a church like Summit, it's good to be getting involved in one here.
13. Whoever invented decaf coffee should be shot.
14. I really miss the convenience of free gym use and evenings with the elliptical.
15. Yes, I can lose 20 pounds. And I have. =)

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Intern: Day 40

I have completed eight weeks of my internship! Go me! Monday I (sorta) take on my own case load. I say sorta because I'm actually seeing everyone we see on Monday by myself. And Tuesday is a little funny as well, but that's ok. Today was a really good day. I've identified the student I'm going to be working with as a Case Study and I'm really looking forward to it. My case study in school was so different than this student and I think this will be more interesting and beneficial for me in the long run. Next week I'm tackling some journal article reviews. Easy-peasy. I've done so many of those I could do them in my sleep at this point. But, it must be done, so do them I shall.
Still not doing much to talk about on my weekends. It's a little difficult to meet people my own age. Even at church where I'm in Sunday School with my "peers", they all see each other more than once a week for an hour or so, unlike me. I do hope I can make a few connections with people. If not, well, I'm going to be watching a lot of movies and doing lots of craft projects. Such is life. But here's to hoping. =)
One thing that I really want to do but can't due to my lack of friends here is going out to take pictures. =( So much to photograph, no one to keep me from falling to my doom.
Well. 19 days until Thanksgiving break and with it come some of my very favorite people! And 50 days until Christmas, so 46 or so days before I get to go home for Christmas break. Huzzah.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween from The Intern

I guess I could just change the title of the Blog to "The Intern"... but then I'd have to change that picture up there and that's just too much hassle. At least for now.

Anywho, today is Halloween. How exciting. Not really. I'm certainly not doing anything and our house is so far off the road we don't get many kids Trick-or-Treating. Oh well.

My weekend thus far has included such exciting acts as... moving a fridge from the garage here at the rental to the garage in the new house, looking at appliances for the new house- including the ones that will be in my apartment, hitting my head on my cabinets in my apartment- not so enjoyable, watching Leap Year with Mrs K further solidifying the fact that I want so desperately to go to Ireland, watching Notting Hill, church this morning, and here I am. I think a Target trip is in my future. Not that I have money to spend. But it's something to do and somewhere other than my room to be. I'm looking forward to having all my stuff again. Then I can at least do some scrapbooking or other such crafty things will all this spare time I seem to have on the weekends. *sigh*

I finished and sent off my initial MT proposal this week, so that was exciting. And one less thing to have to worry about on my list of things to do as an intern. Yay me.

Hmm... what else. Thursday and Friday I was on my own this week- my supervisor was out of town at a GIM training thing. Friday went really well, Thursday was ok. Not bad, just ok. I've worked a lot more with the Friday kids than the Thursday kids. But in all, not bad. All good experience. I really hope I come through this internship ready for the real world! Sometimes it seems like I'm never going to get to that point. But we'll get there! One day at a time. =)

I really wish I could go take some pictures to get put up here. Fall in the mountains is so pretty! But I haven't met anyone who would be willing to keep me from falling off the side of the mountain in my pursuit of the perfect picture. Christie- when you and whoever's coming with you get here at Thanksgiving, you know what we're doing? Going into the mountains and taking pictures! Be prepared! Bring appropriate foot wear! And a jacket! Apparently it's cold here at Thanksgiving. What a concept. Speaking of cold- Friday's high was only 59. 59!!! What is that about!?

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I have really enjoyed the Bible Study I've been attending the past few weeks. Sadly, it came to an end tonight, but that doesn't mean I have to stop thinking over and considering the things discussed. So, today we were talking about times when God "interrupts" us and after a little while, I was reminded of an event a few years back in Austria on choir tour with CSU. So, if you haven't heard the story, here it is. =)

We had a free evening in Vienna- mind you, this was during the Euro 2008 Futbol tournament of which Austria was playing Poland right outside of town the previous evening, so it was pretty busy. A group of us went down after dinner to a Cafe for desert and coffee and to enjoy sitting in St Stephens Square taking in what we could of the city. The square is pretty big and there are a fair amount of street performers around doing their thing, so when we heard music, we didn't think anything of it until we started to recognize the songs they were playing- they were playing worship songs we were familiar with.We headed over to check things out, got to talk to a few people around and learned that they were a group out doing some outreach ministry from a church in Vienna. We got to talking and they learned we were from a choir and they wanted us to meet the musicians, so we hung around for them to go on their dinner break which wasn't very long.We got to talk to and get to know two of the singers and learn their story and their struggles to reach out to a country so closed to a living gospel. Much of Europe is Catholic, but much of that population does not practice their faith, they simply pay their church taxes. After talking and getting to know them, we asked to sing with them to which they wholeheartedly agreed.
Later, they told us what a blessing we had been to them- they had many people stop and listen because there were "silly Americans" up there singing. We were just doing something which, here in the states, people don't ever really stop to hear because it's almost commonplace.
We weren't looking to make a difference that night, we were just looking for desert. But that's God. He's gonna use you when you least expect it. =)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Intern: Day 28 aka Happy Engagement Kayla

So I'm sitting here waiting on my best friend Kayla to complete a Scavenger Hunt of sorts ending with the Big Question from Allen. In the meantime, I'm sitting here with NO ONE to talk to because Allen is interrupting my Skype date so he can propose. Geez. Selfish much? ;) And, my other most wonderful friends are in rehearsal. I kinda miss rehearsals. Well... Only a little.

But! I'm so excited for Kayla and Allen! Yay for weddings. Weddings I get to be a part of!

No other "updates". You know, since... yesterday.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Intern: Day 27

It's Tuesday and Glee is a rerun. Read: I'm bored. I'm also waiting on a Skype date with Kayla. Ugh. Hurry up. Kay!

So, an update on my life:
The apartment and house are painted! My apartment has most of the tile laid, so we're waiting on cabinets and electrical stuff. The end is in sight! It will be so nice to have all my stuff again.

The Internship is going really well. I've started working with some of the students "on my own". My supervisor is still in the room, of course, but it's just me, doing Music Therapy. =)

Meeting Mom halfway between here and home this weekend, so that's something to look forward to. It will have been six weeks since I've seen anyone in my family outside of my computer screen!

And- get excited- I have actually added someone from VA as a FB friend. Go me. Making progress. He's in my Bible study and SS class from church. Speaking of which, finally found my way into the college SS class and really enjoyed it. Yay! Here's to hoping I make at least a few friends between now and May.

And... yep, that's about it.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The Intern: Day 25

So, the big day is coming: It's time to start choosing students I will be taking on as my own case load! I feel like it's kinda taken forever, but I guess it'll all end up ok in the end. I'm excited, a little nervous. You know, the usual. I am excited to start doing my own thing, though. I'll be able to plan ahead instead of being tossed into the middle of something I didn't start. O_o

In other news, my apartment has a floor! And paint on the walls! Next step: cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom! After all that's done in rest of the house, there's not much left before we get to move in! We're looking at right before Thanksgiving for a move in date. I'm pretty excited to have my own space. Not that I mind living here where I am now, but it'll be nice to feel like more of a "grown-up".  =)

And... yep, that's about it. You have been updated on my super exciting life.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some pictures of my apartment!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Intern: Day 21

Today's first session ended in vomit.

Thankfully, the day only got better.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Intern: Day 20 (I think)

Start of week four! Hey Hey! Things are starting to pick up. I'm starting to work with some of the kids and that's really exciting. I'm getting more comfortable with the kids and singing and whatnot, so that's really good. I'm still working on that whole piano thing. Ugh. Practice, practice, practice. If only no one had to watch or listen to me play, I'd be fine. *sigh* No such luck.

Still don't really know anyone around here... Ho Hum. I do what I can, but it's different when people your age are in college... and you're not. Nor did you go to the college they do. Because around here, you either go to VT or RU. And no one has even heard of CSU. On that note, who knew I'd have to clarify that I'm not from Charleston, WV?

In other news, I've started this years scarf, I'm getting a new coat (holla), and I think I'm going to attempt to make an afghan this year. Almost capitalized that. Making a blanket, not a person.

Also, I just watched Jim and Pam's wedding on the Office. I mean, seriously, how anyone isn't in love with John Krasinsky, I don't know. Or at least Jim. I mean, from the episode "The boat was plan C, actually. The church was plan B. Plan A was to marry her a long time ago. Right after I met her." Where can I find a man like this?

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Intern: Day 16

This is update isn't really an update really. But that's ok.

I've started watching The Office starting back at season one. Now, I've seen the Office before thanks to Jo, my roommate. But I never really watched it. Netflix and lack of cable has been fixing this. I'm in season four. Don't ruin anything for me.

But I want to find my own Jim Halpert and marry him. If that happens to be John Krasinski, that's ok.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Intern: Day 14

This week on The Intern, part two.

So, it's looking like my Special Project is to actually propose Music Therapy to a school system currently not employing MT. In a world where contacts are everything, I have an amazing one who is also really interested in MT. Woah. Dream big. Actually, if this all works out, man, would that be amazing. I'd potentially have a job close to home in a place that I'm really familiar with. Keep this one in your prayers!

On a much smaller note, this weeks assignment: learning the Scooby Doo theme song. One of the many reasons I love my job.

Related to the last post: Man, have I seen a difference in my own way of thinking. I had always thought of "behaviors" as not much more than behavior. But when you stop thinking of behaviors as negative things to be gotten rid of and see them for what they are- communication, man, things make so much more sense. If you work with or know someone with Autism or Aspergers, I highly suggest hearing William Stillman if you ever get the chance. At least check out his website, .

In non MT related news... Well, nothing much to report. Went to Bible Study Sunday evening. Really enjoyed that, looking forward to the next one. Have started watching the Office- why I didn't watch this before, I have no idea. And... new Big Bang Theory tonight. That is all.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Intern: Day 12

Almost halfway through week three! Still enjoying everything. Still not doing a whole lot. Active observation, I'll call it.
Spent the last two days in an Autism and Asperger's seminar-type thing. I really enjoyed it- lots of new insight into Autism. I really think a lot of what was discussed will be applied this week in sessions! 
In other news... We hope to be in the house by Thanksgiving now. *sigh* 

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Intern: Day Five

Week One of my internship has officially come to a close. Not too exciting this week- just observing/shadowing. Next week I'll start participating in sessions, but nothing on my own yet. That is yet to come. I'm both excited and nervous about that. Excited to get into actually doing Music Therapy again, nervous like I always am before starting MT with anyone new to me. But I think that's to be expected. At least, I'll tell myself that.

Super exciting weekend planned (sarcasm card). Tomorrow, I am going to Wally World. Sunday I do have real plans- picnic on the parkway for Mrs K's birthday. Driving on the side of a mountain: my favorite. More sarcasm. Dramamine, here we come.

Hopefully I will get the chance to try out a few churches here abouts and get to meet people my own age. Hard to do in the work place... the only adults I see are teachers and aides. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but almost none of them are even close to being near my age. Oh well. Goes with the territory.

Also, it's looking like at least six weeks until the new house is finished. The one with my apartment. I currently have my own room in the rental house... but it'll be nice to have all my own space with all my stuff again. Not that I'm complaining. God obviously knew what He was doing when He put me here, so I'll just trust him to work out the details. =)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Start of Something New

So... It's here. Tomorrow is DAY ONE of my internship. (Read: Day One of the Road to Graduation!)

Excited? Check. Nervous? Sorta. Hope I can actually find where I'm going? Man, I hope so.

Here's the big question: What am I going to wear?

Monday, August 30, 2010


So, here in the uber-exciting world of NA, I am sitting around waiting to move. But I have to spend my days doing something, right? Right. So I have decided to share with you some of the highlights of my days.

1. The Great and Mighty... On Demand Channel

I have discovered that if I save my favorite shows to watch in the middle of the day, I actually have something to look forward. Couple that with me working in the evenings and more than one show I watch coming on at a time, and well... Thank you, on demand.
2. Just what shows am I watching?

            Lifetime's Drop Dead Diva. Got sucked into this one last season. Typical model-died-and-came-back-as-overweight-chick storyline.

Newest Favorite Show Award
Spy with a good looking, funny, blind best friend working for the CIA. What's not to love?

Because if I'm going to watch a daytime talk show... Why would I not watch Ellen? New Season starts soon...

Others include: Ace of Cakes, the Today Show with Kathy Lee and Hoda... Etc.

3. Making Food
This is usually Limited to lunch and dinner. Sometimes breakfast, sometimes just a cup of coffee. Lunch is usually my new favorite: Whole Wheat tortilla, refried beans, cooked onions and green pepper with salsa. Mmm.

4. Checking the Mail

5. Talking to Friends on the Internet

Like this one. Bad pic of me. Christie looks lovely as always.

6. Reading Books

Mostly totally useless fiction from the Teen Fiction section of the library. And when I say mostly... I mean maybe all but two books I've read all summer. And that's a long list of books. Amazon is running out of books to recommend that the library system has in it's arsenal.

7. Monterry's
As I cannot find an actual picture of Monterrey's... Nothing compares. So, sorry, come experience it for yourself.

8. ...Hm. Nope, that's pretty much it.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

A Fond Farewell

Returning from the City of My Heart is always bittersweet. This time much more so than usual. I don't actually know when I will get to go back to Charleston. Charleston has truly become my home away from home, and occasionally more home than my real home.
Today was a day at odds with itself for me. While everyone was moving in, getting reunited, saying hello, I was saying goodbye. As my friends unpack boxes, I continue putting my things into them. I have just a few more weeks left before I move and I highly doubt I will make it back to Charleston before Christmas and even then it will be a quick trip.
But today I did gain a new perspective. I spent (hopefully not) my last Sunday at Summit. Jon gave a challenge to us to give our trials, our worries, our fear to God. And man, have I been afraid of this move. But I took that step of faith and gave it over. Whatever happens, may it be to the Glory of God. He holds my future and he is far greater than my plans.
May I no longer be afraid of what may come and what may happen. I am nervous, yes, but I'm sure David was a bit nervous when he faced Goliath, too. To be nervous is one thing, to be afraid is another. Mostly, I worry about my own sense of direction and my car exploding in the middle of the road. Too bad I can't do my internship in Amish country. Horses are much more reliable than the Neon.
And so I bid a fond farewell to Charleston. You hold some of my dearest memories, dearest friends, and always a place in my heart.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Life After College

Tomorrow is a rather big day. Tomorrow we move my little brother into his dorm room for his freshman year of college. Woah. Where did time go? Not so much "I can't believe Chris is old enough to go to college" but "Wait a minute- I'm old enough to have a brother in college!" I can still remember MY first move in, my first roommates, moving down the hall two weeks later, my first musical, meeting some of my very best friends. 

My very first class was Sight Singing and Ear Training. It was awful. It didn't really get better as time went on. Such is life. I passed all four semesters and that's what counts.

I joined the cast of Showboat to escape the confines of my room and my awful roommates. That started my Musical Theater career; it was the first and last time I would perform on stage. It was, however, my jumpstart into my most exciting career as Stage Manager. Woot.

Showboat also brought some interesting people into my life. And aren't I glad I have them. =)

After Christmas, school settled into a fairly easy routine. Class. Eat. Goof off. Repeat.

Man, has life changed since that year. I have since seen the inside of a cat. Be thankful there are no pictures. Gross.

I never thought I'd say it, but I'm really going to miss school this year. While I still have no diploma, and I'm technically still a student, no class for me! Instead, I have to move to the wilds of the mountains to do my internship. No classes, no caf, few familiar faces...  Scary. =/

So, here's to the start of the next chapter of my life: Life After College
But first, a few parting thoughts to my dear Alma Mater...

To the "Living with Alligators" poster in Russell West: Thank you for the constant reminder not to pet alligators. 
To Jimmy, the Caf Guy: Thank you for not making Philly Cheese Stakes everyday. I'd weight 1000 lbs.
To the weird looking Duck in the reflection pond: Just how long HAVE you been living there?
To my crazy Korean piano teacher: Let's face it- I'm never going to use those Chopin pieces in Music Therapy. My piano skills with classical music are not therapeutic in any way.
To the Security Guards: Don't quit your day jobs. Unless you're on the day staff. Then you may consider quitting.
To the Creepy Janitor with the Gerry Curl: Ew.
To Those People Who Say We Don't Have a Flooding Problem: Try visiting on a rainy day.

And to all my friends: Thanks for making my life all it is today. I couldn't have done it without you. 

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Rainy Afternoon

It's been awhile since I just took some pictures and today's rainshower seemed like a good opportunity...